fact file animal DRAGON FLY DESCRIPTION Insect with a large,long and thin cylindrical body, prominent and spherical eyes, short antennae and two pairs of long, transparent wings crossed with nerves. COUNTRY they are common throughout north america,even the bahamas summer species so seen mainly in summer HABITAD its natural habitad is near lakes,puddles, rivers and swampy lands,since its nymphs are aquatic REGION It lives around and in quiet bodies of water, including wetlands,lakes,and ponds. DIET Diet.it feeds on almost any organism it can capture,especially insect,such as termites,ants,and butterflyes. SIZE The dragonfly is small in size, its body length measures between 3.5 and 5 cm LIFESPAN 7,56 dias INTERESING FACT They are characterizend by their large multifaceted eye...